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Test Client โ€‹

A Test Client is an interface to "test" JSON-RPC API methods accessible through a local Ethereum test node such as Anvil or Hardhat such as mining blocks, impersonating accounts, setting fees, etc through Test Actions.

The createTestClient function sets up a Test RPC Client with a given Transport.

Import โ€‹

import { createTestClient } from 'viem'

Usage โ€‹

Initialize a Client with your desired Chain, Transport (e.g. http) and mode (e.g. "anvil").

import { createTestClient, http } from 'viem'
import { foundry } from 'viem/chains'

const client = createTestClient({
  chain: foundry,
  mode: 'anvil',
  transport: http(), 

Then you can consume Test Actions:

const mine = await client.mine({ blocks: 1 }) 

Parameters โ€‹

mode โ€‹

  • Type: "anvil" | "hardhat" | "ganache"

Mode of the Test Client.

const client = createTestClient({
  chain: foundry,
  mode: 'anvil', 
  transport: http(), 

transport โ€‹

Transport of the Test Client.

const client = createTestClient({
  chain: foundry,
  mode: 'anvil', 
  transport: http(),  

chain (optional) โ€‹

Chain of the Test Client.

const client = createTestClient({
  chain: foundry, 
  mode: 'anvil',
  transport: http(), 

name (optional) โ€‹

  • Type: string
  • Default: "Test Client"

A name for the Client.

const client = createTestClient({
  chain: foundry,
  mode: 'anvil', 
  name: 'Anvil Client',  
  transport: http(),

pollingInterval (optional) โ€‹

  • Type: number
  • Default: 4_000

Frequency (in ms) for polling enabled Actions.

const client = createTestClient({
  chain: foundry,
  mode: 'anvil', 
  pollingInterval: 10_000,  
  transport: http(),

Released under the MIT License.